In the week since the installation of the Citybench it's apparent it has been a great success, with a constant stream of people sitting at the bench, either to wait for a bus or simply as a place to relax,sit down and schmooze with a friend.
The $3 million dollar CityBench
program is mostly funded by a $2.4 million Bus Livability Grant from
the Federal Transit Administration to further their goal to "help
integrate transit into a community through neighborhood improvements
and enhancements to transit facilities or services, or make
improvements to areas adjacent to public transit facilities that may
facilitate mobility demands of transit users or support other
infrastructure investments that enhance the use of transit for the
If you'd like to snag a Citybench for a
location near where you live go to nyc.gov/citybench. For more
information on Park Chelsea: Chelsea's Age Friendly Park, go to