W-iFi Hotspots:
A WiFi Hotspot provides high-speed wireless Internet access in convenient public locations.
Recently Google teamed up with the Chelsea Improvement Company to transform all of southwest Chelsea into a free W-iFi hotspot. link
Google Wi-Fi Hotspots are yellow, Coldspots are blue
This is a great start. There are other free Wi-fi hotspots in Chelsea, such as at the Flatiron Plaza and the Mulenberg Library.Others can be found here
Coldspot:No free wi-Fi
Low signal strength-spotty neighborhood coverage
High Signal srength-Whole neighborhood is a Wi-Fi hotspot.
No Fee-Fi Hotspot Ideas
Building on the success of Chelsea's free Wi-Fi hotspots, Park Chelsea has come up with a number of innovative new No Fee-Fi hotspot ideas to help transform more of Chelsea's parks and public spaces from coldspots to hotspots: Read-Fi Hotspots:
A Read-Fi HotSpot provides access to printed reading materials in convenient public locations. Chelsea has a very few free Read-Fi hotspots ,we call these libraries. But they all don't have to be libraries...
Bryant Park Reading Room a outdoor Read-Fi hotspot that began in 1935 |
Bryant park offers a outdoor Read-Fi hotspot called The Reading Room on 42nd st between 5th and 6th avenues.
The Portable Uni, a temporary Read-Fi hotspot |
We have been discussing with the people at the Uni Project, which is a portable temporary outdoor reading room,the possibility of Read-Fi enabling an outdoor space in Chelsea with a permanent Uni.
Recently a Citybench was added to Muhlenberg Library, this has turned it into a defacto outdoors Read-Fi Hotspot.
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Proposed prototype sign to let public know that Muhlenberg is now a Read-Fi hotspot |
Muhlenberg Library offers More seating to Patrons
Rec-Fi Hotspots
Most of the Chelsea areas parks and other public open spaces contain very few active and social recreation activities for adults. We'd like to see Chelsea Rec-Fi enabled with Recreation Station Rec-Fi hot spots placed in Chelsea's parks and other public open spaces. Recreation Stations contain a variety of portable active, social and solitary recreation items.
fixed location Active recreation equipment for adults.
Coldspot:no active recreation
Log signal strength: Locations that offer only 1 or 2 activities
High signal strength: locations offering a variety of activities for all age groups.
Adding a outdoor ping pong table ($700-$4000) or Fitness equipment are medium cost ways to create Fit-Fi hotspots or to increase signal strength of existing ones.
Some Fi-Fi equipment can be placed anywhere. Here is a photo from Daug, China showing active recreation equipment that is embedded into a sidewalk.

and here's LA's just open Active Recreation parklet that has Foosball and Fitness bikes
Enjoying one of the parklet’s exercise bikes. (Siobhan Burke)
More on Fit Fi Hotspots
Play-Fi Hot Spot
Free playspace for Children
Coldspot- no playspace
Low signal strength: 1 or 2 activities
Medium signal strength:
High signal strength: many activities
Adding a Recreation Station to a space can transform it into a Play-Fi hotspot or transform a low signal strength location into a high signal strength location.
Seat-Fi Hotspots
If you've walked around Chelsea looking for a place to sit outdoors you've noticed most of Chelsea is a coldspot with seats few and far between.. The Park Chelsea map shows all currently available outdoor Seat-Fi hotspots. The goal of Park Chelsea is to" Seat-Fi enable" all of Chelsea with a "Seat near every street" you can find our newest Seat-Fi hotspots here.
Chelsea's Desmond Tutu Center has this garden that's great to look at, but not open to the
public. It was a neighborhood coldspot.
The addition of a Citybench has transformed this from a coldspot to a Seat-Fi hotspot
Green_Fi Hotspots
A Community garden is a Green Fi hotspot. The Chelsea Garden Club has turned Chelsea's 8th/9th Ave green ways bike paths into Green-Fi hotspots. The addition of Community Gardens to NYC parks can greatly increase the number of Green_fi hotspots in Chelsea.
Coldspot-no seating
Low signal strength: Benches in a park or open space
Medium signal strength: tables with fixed seating, or benches on sidewalks
High signal strength: tables and moveable chairs
Scientific studies have shown that High signal strength Seat-Fi hotspots facilitate conversations between people link
Scientific studies have shown that High signal strength Seat-Fi hotspots facilitate conversations between people link
Green_Fi Hotspots
A Community garden is a Green Fi hotspot. The Chelsea Garden Club has turned Chelsea's 8th/9th Ave green ways bike paths into Green-Fi hotspots. The addition of Community Gardens to NYC parks can greatly increase the number of Green_fi hotspots in Chelsea.
Free-Fi Hotspot
A Free-Fi hotspot would turn a location into a place where people people could recycle goods. Chelsea's Penn South Co-op's has Free-Fi hotspots for residents in many of their laundry rooms. No reason they can't be added to more publically accessible locations.
A Free-Fi Hotspot at the Penn South Coop
Toy-Fi Hotspot
A Toy-Fi Hotspot would be a toy lending library in a convenient public locations
Toy Lending Libraries are kinda like book libraries the main
difference being you take out toys instead of books.