Placing a Citybench in front of NYPL's Muhlenberg library created a Wi-Fi/Read-Fi outdoor reading room. The city has hundreds of sidewalk cafes in from of restaurants that privatize our sidewalk and become pay to use parks. How about our libraries offer public "Sidewalk cafes" , only instead of serving up a burger and fries, the Library Sidewalk Cafe menu will offer up books, portable computers, DVD players, jump ropes, Scrabble etc.
Chez Muhlenberg
Jump Ropes
Hula Hoops
Nok Hockey
This NYPL Tottenville branch on Staten Island, has no park withing 3 blocks but already has passive recreation benches on its lawn.(left middle) Add parkhouse equipment to this branch and you have an active recreation park with parkhouse.
This is Staten Islands St Georges Branch Library. Note the lawn that is I suspect currently mostly used by birds and local squirrels.
By offering Recreation equipment loan of items like hula, hoops, jump ropes, lawn chairs, board games, etc, this space can be transformed into a outdoor playspace for the neighborhood.