I brought a flyer to point out the problems of many parks that were designed in the 20th century . in meeting community recreation needs. Her's what the flyer said...
Philadelphia has the largest
in-city park system in the world, which can serve as a tremendous
resource for social interaction, relaxation and recreation. Yet
72% of older Philadelphians report they had not gone to a public
recreation facility in the past year.
Philadelphia's findings are not an aberration. A Rand Corporation study found that seniors seldom use Los Angeles parks.link
Why are seniors not using parks? One possibility comes from the authors of the book People Places they said "The natural environment of a park is not enough to attract some elderly users, but a park with many activities can simulate social exchange and provide a sense of belonging" link
Philadelphia's findings are not an aberration. A Rand Corporation study found that seniors seldom use Los Angeles parks.link
Why are seniors not using parks? One possibility comes from the authors of the book People Places they said "The natural environment of a park is not enough to attract some elderly users, but a park with many activities can simulate social exchange and provide a sense of belonging" link
was talking to a senior who uses a wheelchair, she asked me if I
could let her know if there were any inclusive playgrounds in
NYC. I asked her to define inclusive playground . She said a park
that would have activities for her to participate in. Turns out there
are not many parks in NYC that are inclusive for
Seniors are not the only groups with issues that cause them not to use parks...
Seniors are not the only groups with issues that cause them not to use parks...
research team studied 20 parks.
The "main
surprise was that the majority were highly underused,"
says Moore. One park never saw a single user...
team found that the parks with the most activity had new or recently
renovated playgrounds that offered
diverse choices
for play, including climbing structures, swings, water play and sand
play. These parks also included relatively new settings with
comfortable seating that fostered a social environment for
prolonged park visits. "
I was visiting Manhattan's Union Square Park , I talked to a youth there who told me, “there's benches for seniors and a playground for the little kids but nothing for us.”
Overall this is a great facility I just wish the community would use it for more activities other than the one concert in the park they have every summer because that's pretty much the only reason why I've ever gone here. link
Contemporary American playgrounds don’t hold or inspire older kids...More and more, preteens avoid the playground altogether, choosing instead to spend time indoors, most likely sitting in front of some kind of screen...What teen will go to the playground to play a game when he has better graphics at home on his computer or anywhere on his cell phone? The Science of Play
I was visiting Manhattan's Union Square Park , I talked to a youth there who told me, “there's benches for seniors and a playground for the little kids but nothing for us.”
Overall this is a great facility I just wish the community would use it for more activities other than the one concert in the park they have every summer because that's pretty much the only reason why I've ever gone here. link
Contemporary American playgrounds don’t hold or inspire older kids...More and more, preteens avoid the playground altogether, choosing instead to spend time indoors, most likely sitting in front of some kind of screen...What teen will go to the playground to play a game when he has better graphics at home on his computer or anywhere on his cell phone? The Science of Play
At the 20th Street Scoping meeting meeting most of the people were older and they asked for a park to be built to their specifications. as Chelsea Now reported...
...each group presented their top picks to the room, with
front-runners ranging from classic choices such as playgrounds and quiet
green space, to more out-there options including an educational garden
and a mural.
The majority of those in attendance also favored ample seating — for
lunch breaks and friendly neighbor chatter — and some type of water
feature. Almost everyone opposed a comfort station, which would take up a
good chunk of the small space.
But as the article in Chelsea Now also said there was an exception...
“Without that, a lot of teens won’t come — they go to the park to play sports. It would be uniting us with everybody else,” said Vargas, who lives in Queens but spends a lot of time at his grandmother’s in Chelsea.
“This is more of an older group, so my opinion is currently being shot down,” he confided later. “But I’m still fighting for it.”
Other then D’en
Vargas there was nobody in his age group to fight for a park with features for youth, so the older attendees overwhelmed his wishes. They created the park they wanted without concern for the needs of his age group. No one with disabilities was there to speak for their needs either.
This is not the first time in parks designs that I have seen that the special interest groups that show up are given a disproportionate voice to those that did not show up.
This is not the first time in parks designs that I have seen that the special interest groups that show up are given a disproportionate voice to those that did not show up.

This is Chelsea's Clement Clark Moore Park, it has a great playground for kids and is well used by them , but nothing but benches and greenery to look at for teens, adults, seniors and special needs folks (other then kids) . Not a lot of people in these groups are seen using this park. An article on the recent million dollar redesign has as far as I know show that nothing is being done for these for these groups.
So how do you assure that parks can meets everyones needs,
Mu thoughts come from two people
Here are ideas from a book New York, New York by Landscape Architect Lawrence Halprin
So how do you assure that parks can meets everyones needs,
Mu thoughts come from two people
Here are ideas from a book New York, New York by Landscape Architect Lawrence Halprin
and Participation
concept of involvement and participation
this whole report. It seems central to the
of all our consultants. Rand has
the point when he says, "Designed
which are thought out. formalized,
complete are usually lifeless' and
because (a) they do not invite
and modification to suit immediate
needs; (b) they are unable to grow, develop
become extended through human use. Human
merely fulfills (for better or far worse)
designer's conception of their potential
rather than leading to the discovery
new functions and new forms of interaction.
enough [he goes on to say] many environ-
which 'work' well for people meet few
any, aesthetic criteria ordinarily employed
designers." From New York, New
York (1968)
by Lawrence Halpern and Associates.
Simon Nicholoson who wrote How not to cheat children The Theory of Loose Parts.
"In 1972, architect Simon Nicholson developed the Theory of Loose Parts; the idea that loose parts, materials which can be moved around, designed and redesigned, and tinkered with; create infinitely more opportunities for creative engagement than static materials and environments. Basically, the more materials there are the more people can interact.
Think about a gallery or a museum, which exhibits are you more drawn to: the paintings on blank walls or the interactive pieces? While the paintings are undoubtedly beautiful or invoking in some way, it is always the interactive exhibitions, the ones which I can engage with physically which draw my attention, inviting me to come and experiment". link
There are several really great park in my neighborhood that follows these principals, only they wasn't designed by the parks department-they are our branch libraries
At the libraries there are thousands of Loose Parts that can meet the widest range of recreation needs. And if they don't have an item you want you can request it from another branch. Our libraries serve all age groups and abilities, our parks don't. Libraries can change their offerings to meet changing needs, parks cant. Libraries can do this because they are designed to offer Loose Parts, our parks are not. designed that way.
The loose parts design of our libraries allows them to grow to meet community needs over time to serve all ages and abilities , The fixed parts design of our parks mean that most groups do not get what they want out of our parks and as the quotes above show do not use them.
So how to create Loose Parks?by Lawrence Halpern and Associates.
Simon Nicholoson who wrote How not to cheat children The Theory of Loose Parts.
‘In any environment, both the degree of inventiveness and creativity,
and the possibility of discovery, are directly proportional to the
number and kind of variables in it.’
"In 1972, architect Simon Nicholson developed the Theory of Loose Parts; the idea that loose parts, materials which can be moved around, designed and redesigned, and tinkered with; create infinitely more opportunities for creative engagement than static materials and environments. Basically, the more materials there are the more people can interact.
Think about a gallery or a museum, which exhibits are you more drawn to: the paintings on blank walls or the interactive pieces? While the paintings are undoubtedly beautiful or invoking in some way, it is always the interactive exhibitions, the ones which I can engage with physically which draw my attention, inviting me to come and experiment". link
There are several really great park in my neighborhood that follows these principals, only they wasn't designed by the parks department-they are our branch libraries
At the libraries there are thousands of Loose Parts that can meet the widest range of recreation needs. And if they don't have an item you want you can request it from another branch. Our libraries serve all age groups and abilities, our parks don't. Libraries can change their offerings to meet changing needs, parks cant. Libraries can do this because they are designed to offer Loose Parts, our parks are not. designed that way.
The loose parts design of our libraries allows them to grow to meet community needs over time to serve all ages and abilities , The fixed parts design of our parks mean that most groups do not get what they want out of our parks and as the quotes above show do not use them.
Creating Have it Your way Loose Parks
Idea #1:
A Park house on site to lend recreation equipment so as to allow area residents to request the recreation equipment they want over time and create an inclusive park that can meet the needs of all in the community no matter what their ages and abilities

This is the parkhouse at Rockefeller Park a NYS park in Battery Park City. Parkgoers can go up to its window and borrow active and activities recreation equipment for all ages and many abilities

This is the parkhouse at Rockefeller Park a NYS park in Battery Park City. Parkgoers can go up to its window and borrow active and activities recreation equipment for all ages and many abilities
Here are some ideas as
to equipment that can be offered, unlike fixed equipment which
cannot be added to this list can be added to
at any time
Lego is used by people with Autism, Downs Syndrome , and other special needs.
Audible ball(above) for the visually impaired
A half basketball court would be great. Balls could be borrowed from the parkhouse. The court could be for kids play till 1 pm , and for basketball later in the day. Even if you can not get a basketball court, with a parkhouse you can still offer other items to bring teens to the park. for instance a virtual reality basketball trainer
21st Century Virtual Basketball
Idea #2
If a staffed parkhouse on site is not feasible, partner the 20th street park with the Andrew Heiskill library at 40 West 20th street.
The Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library.is at 40 West 20th Street. (green pin), it is very close to the planned 20th Street Park (red pin),. By installing recreation equipment lockers in the 20th Street park and by having Heiskell lend keys to these lockers and/or recreation equipment for use in the 20th Street Park, the Chelsea neighborhood will not only get a new park, they will be getting a new park that offers the use of inclusive recreation equipment, transforming this into Chelsea's first park that can serve people of all ages and abilities.
“Our Library checks out basketballs to be used on the courts near the library. We also have frisbees, jump ropes and hacky sacks available to borrow. The balls have been replaced many times through the years and have resulted in much good will with the kids after school. When they (the kids!) start bouncing off the walls, we suggest they bounce a basketball instead. .” Maine Library
-I talked to a branch manager of a rather small Carnegie Library about lending recreation equipment. She said to me something to the effect "look at this place, we have no room". Last week I came back to her and said, "What if you didn't have to lend the items, just keys to lockers holding the items". Her reply was "This we have room for"

Idea #3
Have NYC parks department, set up a central parks department staffed area location where locker keys to lockers in all area parks can be borrowed from.
There are approximately 20 parks department parks and playgrounds (green) shown in this view of Chelsea and surrounding areas . By opening a central Locker key lending location in either a Parkls Department park, Chelsea Recreation Center or at the Muhlenberg library(centrally located at 23rd and 7th, has unused space ) , all of Chelseas parks would now become have it Your way-Loose Parks, with a few staffers covering equipment lending for nearly 20 parks. .
Prior to implementing at 20th street, here are a number of locations that this concept can easily be tested at:
Hell's Kitchens Columbus Branch Library and Surrounding Parks
Columbus Branch Library -PS 111
On Saturday I was in Hells Kitchen. I noticed a Schoolyard into Playground was on 52nd and 10th. at PS 111 Only about 4 people were using the park. It had 2 concrete ping pong tables that nobody was using. I saw a fellow playing with his kid, and asked him if he saw people using the tables. He said almost never. . By having Columbus Library on 51st and 10th lend ping pong paddles and other recreation equipment (and/or keys to lockers in the park holding paddles/recreation equipment) it would help activate this fixed equipment park.
Doing this will also have the side effect of immediately creating Hells Kitchen's first inclusive parks, for all ages and abilities. And by testing at Columbus Library and its 3 nearby parks it will also show how a single branch library can become the community hub of recreation equipment lending for multiple nearby parks.
Other possible Manhattan test locations...
Bloomingdale Library
On the Right Tompkins Square Library on the left Tompkins Square Park
There is a Ping Pong table in the park, but no paddles, or balls. Tompkins Square Library could be the place to loan these items.
Seward Park
Lincoln Center
Other possible Manhattan test locations...
Bloomingdale Library
(At Bloomingdale'so n West 104th Street an inclusive playground is being built. As far as I am now aware it will be an inclusive playground for children. As far as I know there are no playspaces for adults with disabilities on the Upper West Side. By offering inclusive play equipment at the Bloomuingdales Library(X) for use in Fredrick Douglas Playground and Happy Warrior Playground all people on the Upper West Side will have access to inclusive play equipment. (additionally Bloomingdales Library can serve the kids at Bloomingdales park with a greater variety off inclusive play equipment then the fixed inclusive equipment that will be installed in this park.
Tompkins Square
Tompkins Square
On the Right Tompkins Square Library on the left Tompkins Square Park
There is a Ping Pong table in the park, but no paddles, or balls. Tompkins Square Library could be the place to loan these items.
Seward Park
Lincoln Center